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Below content is the crux of feature setup from merchant POV

The Funnel feature combines three powerful widgets—Product Upsell, Recommendations, and Bundles—to boost sales and increase your Average Order Value (AOV). Easily integrate this upsell funnel on your Homepage and Product Page for enhanced customer engagement and visibility.

This guided funnel directs customers to relevant offers, enriching their shopping experience with tailored recommendations. Setting up the funnel is a quick, three-step process:

Select Page

Configure Triggers

Add Widgets

For a detailed overview, check out our in-depth blog here.

Below content is the crux of feature setup from customer POV

Curious to see it in action?

Explore our pre-built setup! You’ll find a widget just above the footer, and when you add a product from this widget on the Product Detail Page (PDP), another widget will appear, offering additional options based on whether the initial offer was accepted or declined.